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fissure treatment


fissure treatment


Anal fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus that cause discomfort and bleeding. They are similar to the tears that sometimes occur in the skin around the edges of a cut or wound.

What are Anal Fissures?

Anal fissures are small tears or ulcers in the lining of the anus. They're usually located near the outside edge of the anal canal (the last part of your bowel).

Fissures can be caused by passing hard stools, but they are common in people with chronic constipation. Fissures may also be linked to:

  • Pain during bowel movements or anal sex

  • Rectal bleeding after bowel movements

  • Itching around your anus

Even after surgery, anal fissure can recur.

Even after surgery, anal fissure can recur. Because the fissure is a tear in the mucous membrane of the anus, it can never be completely healed. It can get better for a period of time but then it may come back again.

Because anal fissures are such a difficult condition to treat, patients often resort to home remedies for relief from their symptoms. Some of these remedies include:

  • Applying warm packs or ice packs

  • Taking over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol) or naproxen sodium (Aleve)

  • Using stool softeners

A fissure is a small tear or ulcer in the anus usually near the outside edge.

A fissure is a small tear or ulcer in the anus usually near the outside edge. Fissures are usually caused by constipation and can be painful, especially when you have bowel movements. Fissures can also bleed, which may be alarming but is normal and not something to worry about unless the bleeding recurs or lasts longer than two weeks.

Fissures are sometimes seen with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. If you have IBD, your doctor will likely treat your fissure as well as your underlying condition because both need treatment to get better.

Usually tea tree oil is good for skin ailments.

If you're anything like me, you've probably heard of tea tree oil and its many uses. It's a natural antiseptic and antifungal oil that can be used to treat skin infections, dandruff, acne—and even dog ear mites!

I'm sure you know by now that tea tree oil is great for all kinds of skin ailments. It's also good for dogs' ears because it helps kill off the infection-causing bacteria in dogs' ears.

You may be wondering how you can apply the tea tree oil on your dog's ear? Well there are two ways: You can either put some drops of tea tree oil directly into his ear canal using an eyedropper or cotton swab; or if he doesn't like having something poked into his ear canal then just apply it externally onto the outside area of his head (make sure not to get any in his eyes).

Some people may be allergic to tea tree oil, so a patch test should be done before its application is initiated.

As a general rule, it is recommended that you do a patch test to see if you're allergic to tea tree oil before applying it. This can be done by applying a small amount of the oil on a clean area of skin, such as your arm or leg, and looking for any redness or other signs of irritation. The area should not be irritated in any way as this may result in an inaccurate result.

If the anal fissure is large, it may require surgery.

If the anal fissure is large, it may require surgery. This can be done in the office or in a hospital. The surgery is done under local anesthesia and generally takes less than 30 minutes to complete.

Your doctor will make a small incision on your rectum, allowing them access to the internal tissues of your anus that are irritated by the fissure. The doctor will then perform an internal massage with their hand or surgical instrument to ease irritation, remove any small pieces of tissue that may have been torn off during an episode of pain (this causes bleeding), and hopefully prevent future occurrences of pain at this spot.

The surgeon may also prescribe medications such as stool softeners or laxatives for two weeks after surgery so that you don't strain yourself too much when using your bowels after surgery has been completed; this could cause further damage to newly scarred tissue from excessive pressure.

Anesthetic cream can also be applied to ease the pain.

Anesthetic cream can also be applied to ease the pain. By applying the cream, you will feel less discomfort and it will help relax your muscles. The anesthetic can numb both external and internal anal area, which means that there is no need for any medicines or treatments in order for you to have a good time when doing anal sex with your partner. In addition, using anesthetic creams also allows you to use condoms without worrying about them breaking since they are used as lubricants during intercourse.

While many people think that numbing agents are only used for sexual purposes because of their ability to numb painful sensations in the body, it should be noted that these medications can actually offer other benefits such as reducing anxiety levels in patients who undergo medical procedures such as colonoscopy examinations or endoscopy tests done by gastroenterologists (doctors specializing in gastrointestinal diseases). Also worth noting is that some types of numbing agents contain local anesthesia – this means they temporarily block sensations from nerve endings so no pain will be felt while undergoing treatment but do not cause unconsciousness like general anesthetics do (which would make sense if we were talking about removing parts of our bodies rather than just inserting objects inside ourselves).

These creams are applied to the anus to numb nerves and relax muscles of the anal sphincter, thereby decreasing pain and spasm.

These creams are applied to the anus to numb nerves and relax muscles of the anal sphincter, thereby decreasing pain and spasm. Numbing creams are available over the counter, but they can be pricey. The good news is that you don't have to buy a prescription: over-the-counter products can be effective too!

The most important thing is finding one that works for you.

The doctor may suggest a high fibre diet, oral iron or iron supplements, or injections of iron or vitamin B12 if you have an iron deficiency.

If your doctor suspects that an iron deficiency is contributing to your fissure symptoms, he or she may recommend the following:

  • A high fibre diet. This can help soften the stool and prevent constipation, which can aggravate anal fissures.

  • Oral iron or iron supplements. Iron deficiency often causes anaemia, so treatment for this condition may include iron supplements or injections of vitamin B12 as well as oral iron therapy (the most common type). The dose depends on how severe your anaemia is and whether other conditions are present that might complicate treatment with high doses of vitamin B12 alone — such as a gluten intolerance or celiac disease (which affects around one in every 133 people in North America).

  • Injections of vitamin B12 if you have an absorption problem due to aging

Tea tree oil derived from Melaleuca alternifolia has also proved effective in relieving pain and healing chronic anal fissures.

There are several ways to use tea tree oil as a fissure treatment:

  • Mildly dilute the tea tree oil with water and apply it to your anus using a cotton ball or pad. Do not use undiluted tea tree oil, as it will likely cause irritation rather than soothe your pain.

  • You can also rub the diluted drops on your anal canal and around the area of discomfort. If you don't have any other options for topical analgesic at home, this should be a last resort option due to its strength but it's still better than nothing!

  • Use tea tree oil in place of soap when bathing or showering -- this will ensure that you only come into contact with clean water when cleaning yourself after going to the bathroom so there won't be any irritation from leftover bacteria from feces on unwashed hands (which could lead to even more inflammation around commando areas).


The best way to prevent anal fissures is to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes good diet, adequate exercise and regular bowel movements. Drink plenty of fluids and eat foods high in fibre such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.


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