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Showing posts from January, 2020

Rubber Band Ligation for Hemorrhoids

Rubber band ligation is a procedure in which the base of the hemorrhoid is tied with a rubber band to block blood flow to hemorrhoid. This treatment is only for inner hemorrhoid. To perform this procedure, a doctor inserts a viewing instrument (an anoscope) into the anus. The hemorrhoid is grasped with instruments and the device places a rubber band around the base of the rubber hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoid then contracts and dies, falling off in about a week. A scar will form in place of hemorrhoid, holding nearby veins so they don't bulge into the anal canal. The procedure takes place at the doctor's office. You will be asked if you feel the rubber bands are too tight. If the bands are very painful, you may want to inject a drug into the paralyzed too. After surgery, you may feel pain and bloat in the lower abdomen. Or you may feel that you need a bowel movement. When performed in the clinic, treatment is limited to one to two hemolyses at a time. If a person is unde

Laser Treatment for Fissure in Pune

The fissure is a very common problem faced by people of all ages. An anal fissure can be in the form of a tear in the part of the anus. Or it may appear as the skin covering the inner wall of the anus. Affected areas of the anus can cause immense pain, even bleeding during defecation. Skin development in the anus can cause discomfort and pain while sitting, requiring urgent treatment. There are different types of anal fissures. There are few consequences of bleeding and few cause anal skin development. A healthy lifestyle can cure it, but in severe cases, surgery is required. Anal tears can be caused by constipation, tension during defecation, or diarrhea. Other reasons include conditions such as cancer, infections, and inflammatory bowel movements. Laser treatment of fissures is called Lateral Sphincterectomy (LSP) and is almost bloodless. With advances in science and technology, a fissure can be easily treated with laser surgery. Laser Treatment for Fissure general

मूळव्याध कशामुळे होतो? मूळव्याधाचा सर्वोत्तम उपचार कोणता आहे?

मूळव्याध हा एक अत्यंत वेदनादायक आजार आहे. त्याची वेदना असह्य आहे. गुदाशय सुमारे नसा जळजळ झाल्यामुळे मूळव्याध विकसित होतात. मूळव्याध गुदा आणि गुदाशय मध्ये सूज शिरा आहेत. अंतर्गत आणि बाहेरील दोन प्रकारचे मूळव्याध आहेत. अंतर्गत मूळव्याधातील नसा सूज दिसत नाही परंतु जाणवते, तर बाह्य मूळव्याधात ही सूज गुद्द्वारच्या अगदी बाहेर दिसते. मूळव्याध ओळखणे खूप सोपे आहे मलमूत्रात उत्सर्जन आणि त्यानंतर रक्तस्त्राव करताना जास्त वेदना, खाज सुटणे हे एक लक्षण आहे. यामुळे गुदाशयात सूज येते. मूळव्याध सहसा अस्वस्थ पोट, लठ्ठपणा, कमी फायबर आहार खाणे, अनियमित दिनचर्या, उशिरा झोप आणि उठणे किंवा जास्त बसण्यामुळे होतो. उपरोक्त सवयींमुळे मूळव्याध / हेमोरॉइड्सच उद्भवू शकतात, म्हणून लवकरात लवकर या सवयी सुधारण्याची आणि आपल्या शरीराच्या हालचालींवर नियमित नजर ठेवण्याची गरज आहे. मूळव्याधची कारणे गर्भावस्था: गर्भवती महिलांमध्ये ते सामान्यत: जास्त असतात कारण गर्भाशयाचा विस्तार होताना ती कोलनमधील शिरा वर दाबते, ज्यामुळे ते फुगते. वृद्धावस्था: 45 ते 65 वर्षे वयोगटातील प्रौढांमध्ये मूळव्याध सर्वात सामान्य

How to Cure Hemorrhoids at Home Fast

The hemorrhoids, also known as Piles, is caused by inflammation of the rectum and anal veins. Usually, piles are generated due to excessive strain during defecation. However, chronic constipation, pregnancy, anal sexual intercourse, aging, and diarrhea are different from other underlying disease states. Two sets of veins are involved in blood transport in the anorectal area. Piles can be external or internal, depending on the site of the vein affected. The external pile looks simple, while the internal pile is felt and visible only at an advanced stage. Symptoms of Piles include pain, anal itching, discomfort, and rectal bleeding. Recently, various home remedies have become widespread in order to treat piles efficiently. People easily accept these natural/home treatments to relieve discomfort and get satisfaction from the piles. The following is a natural treatment for piles . High-Fiber Diet Dietary compromises and poor lifestyles are often observed to lead to chro