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What you need to know about Piles


What you need to know about Piles


Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus. They can be extremely uncomfortable, but they are completely natural and normal. In fact, almost everyone will develop hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable condition that can make life difficult for both males and females of all ages. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent them from happening or treating them once they have occurred."

Piles are more common than you think

Hemorrhoids are very common, affecting nearly half of the population at some point in their lives. If you’re worried that you might have them or know someone who does, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Hemorrhoids are more common in people who are overweight or pregnant

  • Hemorrhoids can be caused by straining during bowel movements (such as due to constipation)

  • Hemerrhoids can also be caused by vigorous exercise or heavy lifting

Some factors increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids

There are a number of factors that increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids, including:

  • Pregnancy. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy may make it more likely for you to get hemorrhoids. For example, some women find that they have difficulty going to the bathroom when pregnant and experience more constipation than usual.

  • Straining during bowel movements or due to constipation can also increase your risk of getting hemorrhoids because it causes blood vessels in the rectum to swell up and become inflamed. This is especially true if you're overweight or obese—extra weight puts extra pressure on the veins in your lower rectum (the end part of your large intestine).

  • Being overweight or obese is another factor that increases the likelihood you'll develop hemorrhoids; here's why: carrying around extra pounds puts added pressure on your pelvic veins and other blood vessels throughout your body—which includes those in your lower rectum.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids: internal and external

While many people refer to hemorrhoids as the same thing, there are actually two types: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the anal canal and can be painful or even bleed. External hemorrhoids develop near the opening of your anus and usually don’t cause pain unless they become swollen or irritated.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by a variety of factors including pregnancy, straining while passing stool (especially if you have constipation), being overweight or having a family history of this condition. Because they often come with symptoms such as itching, bleeding or pain during bowel movements, most people with hemorrhoids visit their doctor for treatment options that relieve both discomfort as well as any embarrassment caused by visible symptoms like bleeding in public restrooms or unsightly swelling around your anus area.

Almost everyone will get hemorrhoids at some point in their life

There are a lot of things to consider before getting a tattoo, but one thing you should never overlook is the health of your veins. If you have varicose veins or spider veins, your doctor may recommend laser treatment or endovenous thermal ablation.

During the procedure, the vein will be closed off using a wire that's inserted into it. The wire heats up and seals off blood flow for three to five minutes depending on how deep inside the vein it is placed. Afterward, your body absorbs what remains of the wire within two weeks without any harmful side effects or scars.*

After treatment, most patients report feeling much better and having better circulation in their legs by as much as 80%. In addition to boosting overall quality of life by alleviating symptoms associated with varicose veins and spider veins such as pain in knees/ankles/feet after standing for long periods at work (standing too long causes pressure), tiredness when walking up stairs etc., treating them can help prevent serious medical conditions like blood clots which can lead to stroke if not treated early enough!

It's a natural part of being human to have hemorrhoids

It's a natural part of being human to have hemorrhoids. You probably don't know this—most people don't—but everything about the human body is designed for survival. Every organ, every muscle and bone, even our fingernails: they all serve a purpose in keeping us alive. So it makes sense that we'd develop an internal organ that functions to protect our insides from outside forces by taking up space inside the rectum and anus (the end of the colon). This is what happens when you have hemorrhoids; they're just an innocent part of being alive!

Hemorrhoids are actually very common; over half of all people will get them at some point in their lives. While it can be irritating or painful if you experience them right now, they're not serious health issues like cancer or heart disease; they're just another normal part of being human! There are also lots of ways you can treat them yourself at home with simple treatments like spicy foods or sitting on ice packs (see below).


While it may seem like a minor issue, hemorrhoids can be painful and distressing. In fact, they're one of the top reasons why people miss work. It's important to know what you can do about this problem before it gets worse!


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 It's time to get rid of your piles. At Vithai Piles Clini c, we know that you're looking for a quick, effective solution to your piles problem. With our unique approach and highly trained staff, we can help you get your life back on track in no time! We have clinics throughout Pune, so it's never been easier to get the help you need without making multiple trips to the doctor. Our clinics are clean and comfortable, and our staff is friendly and professional. We offer appointments at convenient times so that you don't have to worry about missing work or school because of a medical appointment. If you're ready to get rid of your piles once and for all, contact us today!