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Can piles be cured 100%?


Can piles be cured 100%?


Piles are a common problem that affects millions of people. Piles are also known as hemorrhoids, and they are characterized by a swollen vein in the anus or rectum. They can be painful, persistent and annoying. If you have been diagnosed with piles then there is no need to worry since Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine that has been used to treat this condition since time immemorial. In fact, Ayurveda offers numerous holistic remedies for piles which can help you get rid of them 100%. In this article we will take a look at how Ayurvedic treatment works for curing piles with 100% cure rate along with its side effects so read on!

A common question that we receive from patients is whether piles can be cured 100%.

Yes, piles can be cured 100%. When we say that Ayurveda has a holistic approach to treating the human body, we mean this literally. Every organ in your body is connected to every other organ in some way or another. For example, when you have an infection in your lungs (something which is common for asthmatics), it’s not just your lungs that get infected but also your digestive system since they are linked together by nerves and lymphatic vessels. This means that if you have an inflammatory condition like piles or hemorrhoids anywhere on your body, it could eventually spread throughout all tissues of your entire organism.

To understand how Ayurvedic treatment works for piles, think about how many different parts make up an automobile: engine block; pistons; wheels...etc., etc. Each one depends upon each other part working correctly so they can do their job correctly without doing damage caused by friction between moving parts rubbing against each other too much causing damage over time – basically causing wear-and-tear until there isn't enough left anymore then becoming useless altogether! The same concept applies here except instead of being made up entirely out of metal pieces we're talking about organs made out primarily with tissue instead - like skin tissue wrapped around fat layers wrapped around muscle fibers wrapped around nerve fibers wrapped around ligaments/joints/bones etc."

Ayurveda and piles have co-existed since time immemorial, and Ayurvedic treatment of piles has established itself firmly as a holistic treatment.

Ayurveda and piles have co-existed since time immemorial, and Ayurvedic treatment of piles has established itself firmly as a holistic treatment.

If you are looking for 100% cure for piles, then it is crucial to determine the nature of the problem.

If you are looking for 100% cure for piles, then it is crucial to determine the nature of the problem. The most predominant ones are discussed below:

  • Synonymously known as hemorrhoids, this medical condition is caused by the swelling of veins in and around the anal canal. It may cause a number of complications like bleeding, itching or burning sensation in your rectal area and pain when passing stools.
  • Fissures on anus can also be another reason behind experiencing piles problems such as bleeding from anus or rectum with pain while passing stools.

So, what are the factors that cause piles?

So, what are the factors that cause piles?

Well, it is a common question that we receive from patients. Piles are caused by a number of factors:

  • * Constipation
  • * Poor diet and lifestyle choices
  • * Lack of exercise and physical activity
  • * Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption

The most predominant ones are discussed below.

  • Spicy food items
  • High fibre foods
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Lifting heavy objects

1. Synonymously known as hemorrhoids, this medical condition is caused by the swelling of veins in and around the anal canal.

Piles are synonymously known as hemorrhoids, which is a medical condition caused by the swelling of veins in and around the anal canal. Hemorrhoids can develop on either side of the anus’s opening and cause irritation, pain and bleeding. While piles can occur at any age, they tend to be more common after age 40 or during pregnancy.

People who have had piles for a long time may also experience other symptoms such as itching, burning or discharge from their anus. Piles can affect both men and women alike although women are more likely than men to develop this condition because they have weaker muscles around their rectums that allow it to protrude further into their bodies when they strain while going to the bathroom (the process where waste passes out of your body).

2. Pregnancy and child birth can also lead to this problem. This happens due to increased pressure inside the abdomen when a woman is pregnant or during labor.

Mothers who have given birth through Caesarean section are at risk of developing piles because of the scarring on their pelvic area and loss of muscle tone in that region. The best way to prevent this condition is by squatting while going to the toilet, performing regular exercises like sit-ups, push-ups and squats etc., attending yoga classes regularly and taking care not to strain yourself when lifting heavy objects or doing any strenuous activity that requires bending over repeatedly such as painting walls etc.

3. Other factors include lifting heavy objects, consuming food items with high amounts of spice in them, irregular bowel movements etc.

Smoking may also lead to piles. Obesity and constipation can be caused by a number of factors such as lack of exercise, lack of sleep and stress. In addition to these physical factors there are also psychological ones such as fear about having your piles treated that causes the muscles around your anus to tense up and make the condition worse.

Piles can be treated holistically through Ayurveda if the root cause is determined.

Ayurveda and piles have co-existed since time immemorial. Ayurvedic treatment of piles has established itself firmly as a holistic treatment, which means it treats the entire body including psychological factors and diet as well.

The main reason for this success is that in Ayurveda, all aspects of life are considered closely linked with each other. The mind, body and soul are one interconnected entity which works in unison to maintain good health at all times. But when there is an imbalance in any one aspect of this system then impurities get accumulated inside our body causing various disorders including Piles (Hemorrhoids).


The idea behind Ayurveda treatment is to bring your body back into balance. It doesn’t merely focus on treating the symptoms, but rather seeks out the root of the problem and addresses it holistically. In this way, you can get complete relief from your condition without worrying about side effects. The best part of Ayurvedic treatment for piles is that it does not leave any adverse effects on your health or lifestyle and hence can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age or gender!


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 It's time to get rid of your piles. At Vithai Piles Clini c, we know that you're looking for a quick, effective solution to your piles problem. With our unique approach and highly trained staff, we can help you get your life back on track in no time! We have clinics throughout Pune, so it's never been easier to get the help you need without making multiple trips to the doctor. Our clinics are clean and comfortable, and our staff is friendly and professional. We offer appointments at convenient times so that you don't have to worry about missing work or school because of a medical appointment. If you're ready to get rid of your piles once and for all, contact us today!